Here is a pic of part of Chris' nursery. As you can see, his crib has to be at an incline, for the best digestion possible....and there is his IV pole that we have his feeding pump on. It is much more intimidating with the feeding bag and tubes on there, but I didn't think to take a picture of that.

Here is our big freezer stocked with all my hard pumped breast milk. It may be kinda weird to post a pic of this....but here's what I think: 1. I'm weird, 2. I'll probably never get a chance to brag about something like this for a long time!!! :) I am saving it with the hope that after his cardiology check up on the 9th, his plearal sacs look clear enough to try the breast milk, and take him off the low fat formula. He will probably not be able to breast feed for quite some time if ever. But I am hopeful that with enough perseverance on both our parts that he'll be big and strong in no time.

Rachel, that is AWESOME all that breast milk. I wish I was able to produce that much. Way to go, seriously I am amazed by that. You are such a good mom for doing that. I hope that little Christopher will get to use it soon. You know if you ever need some extra cash there are alot of moms out there that will buy breast milk. Not sure how you feel about that. Just saying, I have never done it, but I have heard of moms who do. Anyways I am way impressed!