Friday, April 2, 2010

Baby 1 Boy Wirt...haha

Sorry, that title is an inside joke. Christopher's hospital bracelet said Baby/boy Wirt, but Robert thought it said Baby 1 Boy Wirt. Not sure why that's funny, but that's not the point. Here are some pic's over the last week Chris has been home. I just thought they were cute. I haven't figured out how to put videos on here yet... but he is much cuter in action, if I do say so myself. Also, I noticed a few days ago that his hair is turning a reddish brown instead of a dark dark brown. He has the darkest brown eyes. As close to black as you can get without being them being black.

As of today he weighs 7 lbs 3 oz. and is 20 3/4 inches long. At birth he was 6 lbs 5 oz and 20 1/2 inches. He is definitely behind for being almost 2 months old, especially since the average baby is over 7 lbs newborn. Many of the babies in the peds floor were over 8 lbs at birth. He has been through so much though. He is growing and growing everyday and is only in the 3rd % overall. He is completely proportionate, just tiny. Our Cocoon nurse says she will be thrilled when he reaches the 5th %. It blows my mind though, since Tyler was in the 80th % by 2 months. We are gunna do our utmost to fatten this little one up. Enjoy the pics!


  1. I'm so glad that Christopher's home. He's adorable. Nice work.

  2. Rachel! He is beautiful! Congratulations! What a fun little guy! I hope all is well for you and your family!
