So I have nothing new or too exciting to report. Christopher may be going to the doctor tomorrow or Wednesday to see if he has a "bug". Just having a little mucus. Other than that he's doing great. He's gained 7 oz in 3 days. So for all you math wiz's, that's 66 grams/day. Dr. Chang said he'd be happy if he gained 30. So he's growing and growing. That's just what we want. He is a happy little dude. Very chill and laid back.
So we didn't do anything for Easter. Sad I know. I was too tired and Robert had to work, and Anthony spent Easter at his Grandma's. So it was just me and Tyler. We did get around to dying some eggs, but we didn't hide them as it was a monsoon outside. We'll just have to do a belated hunt indoors. Here's our colorful eggs.
So I took some practice video's to put on here...but haven't figured out how to get them off the card yet. Just so everyone knows.......I've been taking all these pix and videos with my smart phone that isn't so smart. So if the quality isn't the greatest that's why. Much love, and stay tuned for more excitement!
hmmmm my comment last night got lost in cyberspace! What I said was, thank you for the adorable pictures, it helps so much to see the little guy and watch him grow. I'd love to see the rest of the family too. I pray everyday and all through the day for you. God is right there and loves all of you more than you could ever comprehend. Hugs and kisses!! Aunt Patti