Hi everyone. I'm giving an update for all who wish to know how Christopher is doing. He pulled an IV out last night, so now all he has is his PIC line, and his plurual caths. He does have some sensors on the surface of the skin but that's it. He hasn't had the nasal canulla in since yesterday. The bad thing about only having the PIC line is that to get his labs, he has to be poked every time. He did have a slightly decreased white and red blood cell count, so he got some blood today. Not anything to worry too much about.
I talked to Dr. Chang, and when he and Dr. Iguidbashian (surgeon) talked today, they felt that his dumping out of the plurual caths has not improved at all. He hasn't been on any formula, just TPN and he is still putting out 100 cc's or more a day(too much). They filled out a consent, and Christopher will be going into surgery around 8 am tomorrow for the thorasic duct ligation. So he will have to be reintubated. I am told that they will only intubate shortly before surgery and then extubate about an hour after surgery.
I got to hold him for about 2 hours part of which he was crying and part of which he was sound asleep. It was awesome. Just a small taste of what I've been waiting for, for three weeks. I loved to hear his little cry. He was still a little hoarse from being extubated but he just sounded perfect to me. Please pray for the surgeon and OR team, and pray for my little man to stay strong. He has already gone through so much. It is so scary for Rob and I. We would appreciate spare prayers in our behalf, as I almost lose my lunch every time he goes into surgery. We love you all, and I will keep the blog as current as I can.
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