Good morning all. I just wanted to give a quick update and throw a couple of pictures on the blog. So Christopher is doing great with breast milk. He is really tolerating it well. He drinks his whole bottle as long as it's warm, but usually needs to pooh about halfway through it (like clockwork, hey at least he's regular). He burps well, and doesn't spit up at all, (maybe once since he started on the breast milk on the 21st). We have an appointment with the dietitian and speech pathologist as well as the cardiologist and pace-maker specialist on Wednesday. I think we have only good news to relay to them, and hope they will have the same for us. He had his 2 month well-check on Wednesday, which went well. He is behind in his size, but developmentally he is doing amazingly well, especially when you think about how long he was on the paralytic, and vent, etc. He has about a month less time than a healthy heart baby would have had for muscle development and eye, ear, etc. He got all his 2 month shots which was a cake walk comparatively.
Other than that..I went to give him a sponge bath yesterday night and while I was gathering supplies I heard him start crying, nothing too urgent sounding. But when I went into the nursery he had pulled his feeding tube out. So I gave him a bath and took some pictures of my little one for the first time with nothing attached to his body!! Then I called the cardiac case managers, who said as long as he's taking his feedings by bottle well, he shouldn't need it. It has been coming in handy for the five meds he gets a couple times a day, but other than that it's just in the way. So we left it out, and are mastering his meds orally. It is wonderful to be able to hold him and move around without that stupid tube.
I attached the pics of Tyler and Chris (minus feeding tube), and my first single yellow iris. It was looking at me through my kitchen window early yesterday morning. The reason I'm so happy about this is because I moved them a few years ago and they haven't bloomed until now (with the help of slugs,...eeewww.) I also was at the hospital for all my daffodils and huge red and yellow tulips which I was looking forward to all winter. So I am very happy to see my iris. I have a bunch more waiting in the wings which I think are going to be beautiful purple!!!! I also attached some of my pansies that my darling hubby bought for me and Chris for a home-coming gift, and they just make me happy. So enjoy the pics and I will hopefully have more, as well as another update on Thursday or Friday!! Love to all.
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