Thursday, May 6, 2010

So, the update is... drum roll please... Christopher is not gaining as much weight since he has been put on breast milk. The gross formula he wouldn't drink through the bottle was 24 cal. while breast milk is only 20. But breast milk has many anti-bodies, and what not that can't be man made. So it stinks because at this point his weight gain is more important. The dietitian knew he wouldn't put on weight as quickly with the breast milk, but we were mainly seeing how he would do with spitting up. So now we are fortifying my milk with formula. He should be gaining between 20 and 40 grams/day, but since the last appointment he is only gaining 10 grams/day. With the added formula he should get back on track. However, the dietitian upped his volume consumption and since then he has been struggling to finish a bottle in the time-span he is supposed to. If he doesn't finish 3 1/2 oz within 30 min, he is being counter productive. Meaning that he will burn all the calories he consumes beyond that point. Therefore, we will keep an eye on things and if he doesn't get back on track we are going to have to put the feeding tube down a bit longer. He will always be a little behind size wise mainly because his heart is basically in cardio workout mode 24 hours a day.
Dr. Chang (the cardiologist) however, was pleased with his growth and his heart function.
His tricuspid valve is still leaking but it isn't getting any worse. He has been taken off one med. And Dr. Chang said he thought he didn't need to see us for another 2 months. I talked it over with him and we decided to get another check-up next month. So all in all he was pretty happy with everything he saw. So far it's looking like he will have his surgery right when they want to do it, not earlier. Also little man had some blood work done to see if any of his other numbers have evened out, and if so he can be taken off another med. We will get those results tomorrow.
Dr. La Gras was also very happy with everything. Chris has been sensing 100% on his own since the last check-up. So his pace-maker has been switched to back-up mode, which means he won't have to get a replacement for much longer. Dr. La Gras doesn't need to see us for another 6 months.
So that's the verdict. The pics of Ty are from traveling to Chinook when Robert went to go qualify for the reserves. And I put one of Chris eating his little bottle. Enjoy!

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