Saturday, July 24, 2010

Foster Lake, New Hair, Ty's Room!!

Just a photo update. I got my hair cut, tired of kids pulling on it and all the humidity. Too hot. We went to Foster Lake on the way home from picking up the boy's. While we were there we visited our good buddies in Sweet Home. Had lots of fun on our buddy's boat. And finally put Tyler's train table together!!!!! Yay! Chris is doing great. Will update everyone when we get him weighed again.


  1. Rachel I love your hair!!! I have been wanting to cut mine shorter too for the summer but I'm a wimp... Yours looks great!
    Glad Chis' surgery went okay! I hope he is doing well!

  2. You are adorable!! As usual, of course but very, very pretty! So great to see the happy pics of the family, what a answer to prayers, thank you Jesus!! Keep showing us the pictures, I love it. By the way be sure and check out my pics on facebook. love n lots of hugs!!! aunt patti

  3. i always look at your pix Aunt patti and you too lindsay. Thanx for the comments...i never know if ppl actually read this or not (it wouldnt matter I'm a proud mamma and I'd still do it even if no on read it!lol)

  4. Rachel I love the hair cut, it looks so good on you! The boys are SO cute, glad that Chris's surgery went well. We keep you guys in our prayers!
