Monday, July 1, 2013

Star Wars Birthday Extravaganza!!!

On Saturday we finally had a formal birthday party for Tyler.  He was so patient knowing that his birthday was 3 weeks ago.  He had quite a few friends come, but some were on vacation, so I may have to consider doing it the week before school gets out, to make sure all his best friends can come next year.  I also need to take a leaf from my cousin Summer's book of party planning, by starting about 3 months early.  He only had 10 kids come, and I started a week early and was still scrambling on Friday!  I did get it all done in time, however, only one family came to the party at the designated time.  The next guest to arrive was about an hour late.  I didn't take that very well, so I suppose I'll bite the bullet and send out a physical piece of paper invitation next year, so people can't say they 'didn't know what time the party was at'.  When everyone got there it was a fun party with only minimal fighting over Star Wars characters. And now for the handful of pictures Robert took.

Here is the party table.  Robby forgot to take picks of the tissue paper Star Wars pom poms I made, but the coast wind all but destroyed them within minutes anyway.

Here is the 'Death Star' pinata made from a punch balloon and light sabers made from pool noodles and duct tape :)  

The boys loved their light sabers.  No one would care but me, but Tyler's is modeled after Yoda's and Chris is modeled after Darth Vader, though he wanted a blue instead of red.

Posing for mom.

R2D2 cake made from 2 sheet cakes and 2 round cakes.  Ty wanted chocolate, strawberry and 'funfetti', so it was neapolitan inside! :D

I downloaded the masks from the Star Wars website, and got them printed at Staples.  I made the little R2D2's out of toilet paper rolls, plastic Easter eggs, and Pediasure lids. A little craft paper and markers really transformed these guys.  They were supposed to have legs and everything....I just ran out of time.  :(

Close up of the little R2's the day before they were done. 

The bottle cap necklaces were a big hit.  I bought a bag of 144 bottle caps for $3 from the brew supply store, since no craft stores around here had any.  I think they worked just as well and were probably a fraction the cost of craft store bottle caps. I downloaded the images for free cut 'em and glued em in the bottle caps. Threw some mod podge on and they were good to go. My only hiccup is there were a couple extra little girls who came unexpectedly and I didn't have enough Princess Leah or Amidala necklaces or masks.  It all got worked out in the end.


Here we are singing. Please forgive my farmer's tan and terrible posture.

Tyler checking out his loot.

 He loved this little piggy bank.

Next day had a beach fire with friends.  One of the nicest days in years. 

Kids sliding down the dune. :D And telling secrets.

That's all I know folks.  Thanks to everyone who came and thanks for celebrating Tyler's 6th Birthday with us!


  1. The project revealed! Glad it was a hit. Everything looked great. I'll have to get your advice when I attempt to make Caleb's birthday cake.

  2. Thanks Sabrina!!! yup it was totally awesome and fun, and i didn't even nit pick my own work too much. I always do pretty straight forward cakes, but they can each be tricky in their own way. I've learned so much from each one i've done.
